Module #11 Matisse & Picasso

     I chose the two film "Matisse & Picasso" and "The Impact of Cubism". I chose these film because of the similarities that I saw between these two artists in the reading. I was curious about the relationship these two artist had with each other. It was interesting to note Matisse as the elder in age but new as an abstract/cubism painter when compared to Picasso who began his career at a much earlier age. Matisse was less experienced in the new form of art called fauve which Picasso seemed to acclimate naturally. Matisse and Picasso were part of a new wave of artist who set out to break the rules of realism and color schemes. Instead, these artist used colors and forms to create an artistic style called "cubism". Cubism and it's impact was my choice of film because of the obvious connection to these artists. Although these two artist found favor with the female form in their art, the geometric manner with which they would be illustrated was new and exciting to the art world.
     The main concept of the videos that I continue to observe is the dedication and tenacity exhibited in the repetitiveness of their drafting and the time spent getting a final product. Seeing the numerous drafts, models and sketches used to complete the process of art making is impressive.
     The videos and the reading both explored the journeys that these two careers would take in the early 20th century. Matisse and Picasso both love to paint females and the good life as with Matisse's "The Joy of Life" (1905-06), and Picasso's " Les Demoiselles k'Avignon (1907)" signature pieces, but enjoyed painting them with their abstract styles. Picasso additionally painted many different styles through different periods with his "Blue period" being his most prominent. The reading and videos informed us that Picasso also drew inspiration from African art and gave us additional context for how the art that Matisse and Picasso made was influenced by the culture and geographic areas where they lived and traveled.


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