Module #2 CNN article Review

The videos relate to the article by laying a foundation for the correlating origins of the developement of art and civilized society. Art discovered in the Chauvet cave created during the Upper Palaeolithic era demonstrated the influence that the psyche had on developing society into an organized construct. The ability to copy nature in art, architecture,music while applying order and morality is a human attribute. Changeux and  Ramachandrans (20th century neuroscientist) , scientific view of aesthetics and art form the relationships between nature and mans urge to copy nature not only in the order of our codes and mores of our way of interacting with one another but additionally demonstrate the urge for humans to exemplify through artistic expression a human representation of these feelings of the human experience. The reading,videos,art and architecture represented all  illustrate the origins of Homo sapiens and the emergence from darkness to light of the Neanderthal to homo erectus.


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