Module #7 Architecture: The Science of Design

     The advent of skyscrapers incorporated vertical airspace changing the environment that we live in and how we live in it. Steel was stronger and more durable. Improved engineering allowed for architects and builders to do so in a multitude of ways when considering how to build one of these new skyscrapers or taller buildings. Uniformed codes were established along with regulations put into place to address unprecedented issues accompanying this new use of vertical and subterranean space where a suitable foundation would have to built support such massive structures. Never before seen issues such as sway, turbulence, and air quality while socially citizens adopted a new vertical existence as a new way of life. Elevators were added to enable easier access then what stairs could have provided in these taller buildings.
     The reading and the video affirmed one another chronicling architecture from ancient to modern science..The video concentrated on the advent of vertical construction and design while exploring the different applications and possibilities of concrete. The book explored the wholeness of the profession starting from the post-and-lintel support and extending to a modern geodesic dome.
     This film added much depth with the presentation of all the matters that were considered during the process of developing and building a skyscraper including social and environmental issues in the beginning of the 20th century. I chose this film because i thought that it might complement the reading.


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