Module #6 Sculpture, glass and ceramics

I am most affected by the videos on sculpture,glass and ceramics with the use and acknowledgment of science that is incorporated in the creation of what we consider art.  I am not that proficient in math, geometry or chemistry but I am nevertheless intrigued by how these sciences are used by both our ancient ancestors and modern humans to bring about a desired result. One of the most impressive ideals was the transition of man from natural resources such as Clay, rock and wood to making art that advanced the movement with the use of manufactured material suck as styrofoam or steel. “ Through the Eyes of the Sculpture” took the viewer on a journey of both the creation of a particular piece of art and the journey of an apprentice to a master sculptor.  There are various materials,techniques or experiences that make both the art and the artist. That the result of subtraction is a carving and by addition a sculpture is formed was informative in of itself.The second video “ Glass and Ceramics “ was very educating with how fire was used as a part of this creative process . Instead of using a material elements of nature in the creation, a process (fire) of nature along with water and sometimes air was employed during the creation of glass and ceramics. The process of learning these techniques and the trial and error of improving the same is a lesson in patienc and perseverance.I thought that that material in the reading and the videos paralleled one another in showing and explaining how art and artist are created and the journey of creating and learning.


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