Module #3 Colors and their effects

     The effect on emotions in the reading and videos confirmed some of the ideals that I had already formed about colors such as blue and green whose hues are more connected to calmness and nature, while red, orange and yellow are more associated with heat,rage and excitement. I think that a lot of our understanding of colors is socialized and taught. Some colors are perceived as feminine such as pink while others are more foreboding like purple and darker tints while others are meant to warn of danger as red does.
     The effects of color and simultaneous contrast when complimentary colors are stared at for a prolonged period of time and fatigue the eye receptors, resulting in an afterimage where the colors seem to switch. The working of the eye and how it processes light is a mystery that man has only just began to understand.
     Mark Rothko in his attempt to disturb the psyche and atmosphere for patrons in a certain eatery used the colors crimson and maroon exclusively with his art, the eatery never did put it on display. I had not considered colors, lighting, paintings,landscapes and their power of persuasion or dissuasion when we are making choices in our daily lives.


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