Robert Barksdale Fundamental of Art 1785 Modules #13-14 The Lowdown on Lowbrow: West Coast and Pop Art, was a thought-provoking video of what makes art worthy and who is judging what is worthy and unworthy. Lowbrow art is distinguished from high brow (elitist) art seemingly they same way that crafts were considered different. This video illustrates that art is in the eye of the beholder. Lowbrow art is relevant in everyday life in the modern world, from comic books, tattoos, automobile painting, graffiti, and many other expressions of vividly colored representational art. The bold colors, lines, use of bubbles and words, and the creation of modern everyday heroes are some of the ways this underground art is distributed and represented in the artworld. This art is vibrant and can possess different moods with its freedom of individualism. The Tate Modern Video gave a peek into what a exhibition might be by incorporating highbrow and Lowbrow art into its cu...